Explore the Galaxy
AD-3, LX-R5, Jedi Master Kelleran Beq
AD-3, LX-R5, Jedi Master Kelleran Beq
A noble Jedi, Master Kelleran Beq personifies the strength, knowledge, and bravery required of all Jedi Knights. This is why he oversees Jedi Trials for many Padawans as they perform incredible acts to gain entry to a Jedi temple and ultimately try to become Jedi Knights. Master Beq is also quite skilled with a lightsaber; when he was a Padawan, he was known as "The Sabered Hand" -- and will share that story with anyone who will listen.
ofA noble Jedi, Master Kelleran Beq personifies the strength, knowledge, and bravery required of all Jedi Knights. This is why he oversees Jedi Trials for many Padawans as they perform incredible acts to gain entry to a Jedi temple and ultimately try to become Jedi Knights. Master Beq is also quite skilled with a lightsaber; when he was a Padawan, he was known as "The Sabered Hand" -- and will share that story with anyone who will listen.
ofAD-3 (or "Aidee" to her friends) is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq's wise-cracking droid companion. She assists Master Beq while administering the Jedi Trials to the Padawans during their quests to become Jedi Knights, and is always there to offer words of encouragement or a joke when needed. Though she will never admit it, she is fascinated by the Jedi and their connection to the Force. Her specialties include storytelling, Jedi robe making, and puns galore!
ofAD-3 (or "Aidee" to her friends) is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq's wise-cracking droid companion. She assists Master Beq while administering the Jedi Trials to the Padawans during their quests to become Jedi Knights, and is always there to offer words of encouragement or a joke when needed. Though she will never admit it, she is fascinated by the Jedi and their connection to the Force. Her specialties include storytelling, Jedi robe making, and puns galore!
ofLX-R5 is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq’s astromech droid. Ellex-Arfive has been partnered with the Jedi for a long time. After years of service, Jedi Master Kelleran Beq hand selected LX-R5 to join him and AD-3 to assist with the Jedi Trials.
LX-R5 is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq’s astromech droid. Ellex-Arfive has been partnered with the Jedi for a long time. After years of service, Jedi Master Kelleran Beq hand selected LX-R5 to join him and AD-3 to assist with the Jedi Trials.
The Jedi starcruiser Athylia transports Padawans during their Jedi Trials. The bridge of the ship is also used during the knowledge trials, where Padawans are tasked with commanding the pilot and engineering positions and answering questions based on a tale told by AD-3 and overseen by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. The starcruiser also houses a special compartment containing holocrons, which are provided to the Padawans who advance from the knowledge trials on to the Jedi temple.
ofThe Jedi starcruiser Athylia transports Padawans during their Jedi Trials. The bridge of the ship is also used during the knowledge trials, where Padawans are tasked with commanding the pilot and engineering positions and answering questions based on a tale told by AD-3 and overseen by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. The starcruiser also houses a special compartment containing holocrons, which are provided to the Padawans who advance from the knowledge trials on to the Jedi temple.
ofMiree the droid cares for youngsters at the Youngling Care Space Station.
ofMiree the droid cares for youngsters at the Youngling Care Space Station.
ofCam-E is Miree the droid's loyal helper at the Youngling Care Space Station.
ofCam-E is Miree the droid's loyal helper at the Youngling Care Space Station.
ofTauntauns are energetic creatures that can be used as mounts to travel in cold and snowy conditions.
ofTauntauns are energetic creatures that can be used as mounts to travel in cold and snowy conditions.
ofRancors are known for their brute strength and healthy appetites.
ofRancors are known for their brute strength and healthy appetites.
ofPorgs like to build their nests from soft materials they find in their habitats.
ofPorgs like to build their nests from soft materials they find in their habitats.
ofOrtolans are a blue-skinned species with a long snout and floppy ears.
ofOrtolans are a blue-skinned species with a long snout and floppy ears.
ofA species from Naboo that live underwater and are skilled swimmers.
ofA species from Naboo that live underwater and are skilled swimmers.
ofLoth-cats are native to the planet Lothal where they camoflouge themselves in the tall grasses to hide from predators.
ofLoth-cats are native to the planet Lothal where they camoflouge themselves in the tall grasses to hide from predators.
ofA young Wookiee must learn to control their temper.
ofA young Wookiee must learn to control their temper.
ofEwoks live in villages on the forest moon of Endor, but can be very shy in new places.
ofEwoks live in villages on the forest moon of Endor, but can be very shy in new places.
ofA group of young Jawas enjoy hiding toys and other items from their teacher.
ofA group of young Jawas enjoy hiding toys and other items from their teacher.
ofRodians have sticky suction cups on their hands from a young age.
ofRodians have sticky suction cups on their hands from a young age.
ofGamorrean's have long tusks that give them a distinct and fierce appearance.
ofGamorrean's have long tusks that give them a distinct and fierce appearance.
ofYoung Huttlets are very small and give off a pungent smell, but grow to be rather large.
ofYoung Huttlets are very small and give off a pungent smell, but grow to be rather large.
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