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Large white ice spiders can spin webs of ice strands to trap their prey.
ofLarge white ice spiders can spin webs of ice strands to trap their prey.
ofA tentacled carnivore that can live in water, the dianoga has an eyestalk that can poke above the surface.
ofA tentacled carnivore that can live in water, the dianoga has an eyestalk that can poke above the surface.
ofThe legendary Gundarks are massive predatory creatures from the Vanqor system.
ofThe legendary Gundarks are massive predatory creatures from the Vanqor system.
ofWith a small, plump body and a prominent snout, puffer pigs can balloon to more than triple their size when frightened.
ofWith a small, plump body and a prominent snout, puffer pigs can balloon to more than triple their size when frightened.
ofSharp-clawed Ordo Moon dragons hunt at night and feed on raw energy.
ofSharp-clawed Ordo Moon dragons hunt at night and feed on raw energy.
ofBug-eyed gorgs, considered a delicacy on some planets, also make good pets.
ofBug-eyed gorgs, considered a delicacy on some planets, also make good pets.
ofBoglings are small, furry creatures that can make their homes among ancient ruins.
ofBoglings are small, furry creatures that can make their homes among ancient ruins.
ofEopies live in the desert and can carry heavy loads, but they are grumpy and a little stubborn.
ofEopies live in the desert and can carry heavy loads, but they are grumpy and a little stubborn.
ofConvorees have two feathered wings and a sharp beak.
ofConvorees have two feathered wings and a sharp beak.
ofGergillas are large and intimidating creatures, but they can be quite friendly and artistic.
ofGergillas are large and intimidating creatures, but they can be quite friendly and artistic.
ofKamoradon lay their eggs in the deepest trenches of the sea to protect their young.
ofKamoradon lay their eggs in the deepest trenches of the sea to protect their young.
ofNative to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, kybucks are horned and hoofed creatures that live in herds.
ofNative to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, kybucks are horned and hoofed creatures that live in herds.
ofBanthas are large, furry mammals that travel in herds through Tatooine's desert wastes, sometimes serving as mounts for Tusken Raiders.
ofBanthas are large, furry mammals that travel in herds through Tatooine's desert wastes, sometimes serving as mounts for Tusken Raiders.
ofBlurrgs are two-legged beasts found on a number of worlds in the galaxy, foraging lazily in paddocks or carrying fighters into battle.
ofBlurrgs are two-legged beasts found on a number of worlds in the galaxy, foraging lazily in paddocks or carrying fighters into battle.
ofOn the world of Elphrona, native charhounds have fiery breath that makes it difficult for them to play fetch.
ofOn the world of Elphrona, native charhounds have fiery breath that makes it difficult for them to play fetch.
ofKowakian monkey-lizards are known pranksters that come in a variety of colors ranging from browns and yellows to reds and blues.
ofKowakian monkey-lizards are known pranksters that come in a variety of colors ranging from browns and yellows to reds and blues.
ofTookas are small, temperamental creatures. While they can be friendly and make good pets, they are still able hunters with sharp teeth and claws.
ofTookas are small, temperamental creatures. While they can be friendly and make good pets, they are still able hunters with sharp teeth and claws.
ofMynocks are winged creatures that devour energy, powering down ships and proving to be dangerous for adventurous droids.
ofMynocks are winged creatures that devour energy, powering down ships and proving to be dangerous for adventurous droids.
ofA fierce and agile predator, the nexu have broad faces with sharp teeth and protective quills on their backs. Like many creatures, they become defensive at the first sign of a threat to their young.
ofA fierce and agile predator, the nexu have broad faces with sharp teeth and protective quills on their backs. Like many creatures, they become defensive at the first sign of a threat to their young.
ofPorgs are small, bird-like, and curious creatures that flock on rocks and roost on high-up cliffs.
ofPorgs are small, bird-like, and curious creatures that flock on rocks and roost on high-up cliffs.
ofRancors may look scary, but these towering, muscular creatures aren't vicious by nature. In fact, in the wild some species live harmoniously with the stubby-legged rancors, helping the hulking beasts to survive in the wild.
ofRancors may look scary, but these towering, muscular creatures aren't vicious by nature. In fact, in the wild some species live harmoniously with the stubby-legged rancors, helping the hulking beasts to survive in the wild.
ofWith six legs, a fluffy coat, and a snub nosed, voorpaks make excellent pets, preferring to spend their days napping lazily in the shade or snuggling with their owners.
ofWith six legs, a fluffy coat, and a snub nosed, voorpaks make excellent pets, preferring to spend their days napping lazily in the shade or snuggling with their owners.
ofTauntauns are snow lizards found roaming the icy plains of the planet Hoth. Since they are able to withstand the frigid temperatures, they make excellent mounts for those who can ride them.
ofTauntauns are snow lizards found roaming the icy plains of the planet Hoth. Since they are able to withstand the frigid temperatures, they make excellent mounts for those who can ride them.
ofHulking predators of the snowy world of Hoth, the white fur of the wampa helps them blend in perfectly to more easily sneak up on their prey.
ofHulking predators of the snowy world of Hoth, the white fur of the wampa helps them blend in perfectly to more easily sneak up on their prey.
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